Minister Şimşek evaluated inflation figures


Lerato Khumalo

Regarding the inflation figures announced today, Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek said, “The decline in services inflation and improving inflation expectations show that we have made significant progress in reducing rigidities.” he said.

Minister Şimşek said that the downward trend in services inflation continues.

Minister Şimşek’s statement is as follows;

“Annual inflation was 47.1 percent in November, and the decrease compared to May was 28.4 points. Despite the high food inflation for the last two months, annual goods inflation fell below 40 percent. Services inflation has been at 1.6 percent monthly since November 2021 and the downward trend in annual services inflation continued.

“The decline in services inflation and improving inflation expectations show that we have made significant progress in reducing rigidities.”