Foreigners continue to sell shares


Lerato Khumalo

“Weekly Securities Statistics” were published by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT).

Accordingly, persons resident abroad sold net USD 320.6 million worth of stocks and USD 48.7 million worth of Non-General Management Sector (SSC) assets in the week of September 13, and purchased USD 1 billion 646.6 million worth of Government Domestic Debt Securities (DIBS).

The stock of persons resident abroad, which was 35 billion 201.2 million dollars as of September 6, decreased to 33 billion 645.6 million dollars on September 12.

In the same period, while the DİBS stock of persons resident abroad increased from 13 billion 39 million dollars to 14 billion 734 million dollars, ÖST stock decreased from 339.4 million dollars to 290.7 million dollars.