Bayrou survives vote of no confidence – Macron can breathe a sigh of relief


Lerato Khumalo

Bayrou survives vote of no confidence

Macron can breathe a sigh of relief for now

January 16, 2025 – 6:59 p.mReading time: 1 min.

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French Prime Minister François Bayrou (l.) had made concessions to the left in France’s parliament on the subject of pensions. (archive image). (Source: Ludovic Marin/AFP POOL/AP/dpa/dpa-bilder)

France’s left expressed their confidence in Prime Minister Bayrou in parliament. This means that the government crisis has been averted for the time being.

France’s new Prime Minister François Bayrou has survived a vote of no confidence. His center-right government had secured the toleration of the opposition socialists. Unlike their partners on the left, including the Greens and Communists, most socialist MPs did not withdraw their confidence in Bayrou’s government.

Bayrou, whose cabinet does not have its own majority, could now rely on the support of the socialists for future projects – and thus avoid dependence on Marine Le Pen’s right-wing nationalists.

His predecessor Michel Barnier was rejected by the entire left-wing camp in France. Only the right-wing nationalists tolerated his minority cabinet. When Le Pen’s faction withdrew confidence in the government in the dispute over the planned austerity budget, they and the left-wing opposition overthrew Barnier after just three months in office.

Socialist leader Olivier Faure warned that the government would not be supported unconditionally. But the tense world situation needs a Europe as a balancing force. France cannot slip into the hands of the right-wing extremists. But within their own political camp, the Socialists have recently come under pressure because of their consideration of tolerating the center-right government. Bayrou had made concessions to the socialists on issues such as pensions.