TurkStat updated the inflation basket


Lerato Khumalo

The Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) updates the products and weights in the inflation basket, while the basket will be taken into consideration this year 407 items and 951 items.

According to the statement on the website of TURKSTAT, the institution, the price compiled and workplaces compiled every year and the products in the basket update the weights and product definitions.

Accordingly, CPI is calculated on the basket of goods and services that aim to reflect the consumption patterns of the society as close as possible.

Since it is not possible to monitor all existing goods and services prices in the market, a basket is created considering the goods and services that are important in the consumption expenditures of the households. The basket includes the products and services that consumers frequently prefer in their daily lives.

With the obtaining turnover data of the workplaces from the Revenue Administration (GİB) from 2019, the workplace sample is determined by using turnover values ​​for markets and clothing stores in the retail sector.

Every year in December, the most up -to -date turnover data is examined and the workplaces compiled on a provincial basis are reviewed. It is aimed to compile price from the most sales chains and local companies, which consumers prefer the most sales in that province on the basis of turnover sizes of the workplaces located in the retail trade sector.

– The number of products in the basket is changing

According to the statement, as of this year, the number of prices to be obtained by data compilation method, will constitute approximately 50.3 percent of the total number of compiled prices.

CPI this year 81 provinces and 233 districts, 29 thousand 941 workplaces and 5 thousand 246 residences (rent) 407 items and 951 substances for each month of approximately 609 thousand 382 price will be compiled.

In the update made in December each year, the weight increasing goods and services are included in the index basket, while the weight decreasing products are removed from the basket. Therefore, the number of products in the CPI basket varies every year. CPI consumption basket and weights remain constant unchanged during the year.

According to the update, the new substances in the basket this year implant treatment fee, automobile (electric) and sunglasses, while women’s coat and umbrella was removed from the basket.

In addition, “Cleaning and Care Products for Hygienic Floors in the Basket”, “Automobile (Diesel)”, “Automobile (Gasoline)”, “Train Fee (Inter -Cities)”, “Flight Ticket Fee”, “Mobile phone call fee” , “private television and online broadcasting services”, “other books” and “an overseas week or more tour” under the titles of new substance types were added.

Main Group Weights

The main group weights to be used in CPI calculations were also determined.

Accordingly, the weight of food and non -alcoholic beverages decreased from 24.98 percent to 24.96 percent, the weight of the transportation from 17.35 to 15.34, while the weight of the house rose from 14.2 percent to 15.21 percent .

Food and non -alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages and tobacco, household goods and transportation groups decreased, housing, health, entertainment and culture, restaurants and hotels, education, clothing and shoes, various goods and services and communication groups increased.

These weights are 3.52 percent in alcoholic beverages and tobacco, 2.3 percent in education, 7.16 percent in clothing and shoes, 7.67 percent in household goods, 4.09 percent in health, 3.62 percent in communication, 3 percent in entertainment and culture 3.36, 8.31 percent in restaurants and hotels, 4.43 percent of various goods and services.