Fundamental point
“North Korea, China’s resistance to the US siege. Energy routes and the sea stuck on the trapped China, the ally North Korea ‘Global war gives the message. it also makes it uneasy. If China falls, North Korea cannot stand. Russia and China’s resistance in maritime trade is the Arctic region. “
New conflict areas
“A new trade route has emerged with the melting of glaciers in the North Pole, which is connected to global warming. This line, which starts from the north of the Bering Strait, extends from the northern coast of Russia to Scandinavian countries and Denmark. 3 million tons of goods in the region, 13 new oil and natural gas resources can go to Japan. Thanks to the new route to Europe from China to Europe has been shortened by 200 kilometers. The new conflict area will be Arktirk and Eastern Mediterranean. Because new world resources are in these regions … “
The Russians stood their eyes
“Russia has established the Arctic Regional Command. In the United States, the other country that established the Arctic Command together with Canada. Two Super Power wants to control the developing economy through the new line. Arctic Alan is also the highest of the sea food resources. Trump ” Under out of the climate agreement Greenland and Arctic in the region and virgin areas will turn to precious mining and energy deposits. A new virgin area was opened in front of Russia. There is a war between America and Canada. Under the US conflict with Canada, the strategy of maritime trade and access to mines lies.

Navy should be enlarged
“Navy is of great importance in terms of Turkey’s security. Aircraft carrier is thought to be climbed to the open seas. Navy’s personnel and fleets should continue to strengthen. Air power and air defense systems must be strengthened. Serious investments in the Air and Navy should be made serious investments On the Radar of the United States. Trump will take the TRNC to his radar to exploit both Israel’s security and energy deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean. “
(email protected)