The Ministry of Commerce determined the volume of e-export as 8 billion dollars for this year in order to increase the contribution of e-export to the economy.
In a written statement made by the Ministry, it was recalled that the “Decision on E-Export Supports” prepared in order to directly access exporters to their foreign customers through e-commerce.
While Turkey’s share in general exports in general exports is 0.90 percent in 2022 with 0.90 percent, 2,12 percent in 2023 with 5 billion dollars and 2.6 percent in 2024 with 6.4 billion percent. or in a statement pointed out, “In order to increase the contribution of e-export to our economy day by day, we aim to reach our e-export volume for 8 billion dollars in 2025 with the studies we have carried out in this direction as the Ministry of Commerce.” evaluation.
320 million dollars of support for e-export
In a statement, the Ministry has been reported to work with support packages in order to increase the share of exporters in the field of global trade in the field of e-export, and 207 companies, 2 marketplace, 6 retail e-commerce site and 9 e-exchange consortium for 320 million TL for 320 million pounds support for the support package was transferred.
Within the framework of the support policy, the following statements were used in the statement that the processes were facilitated by coming together with the sector stakeholders:
“In this context, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, one of the members of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation with high e-export potential, added additional 20 percent support for these countries. The support of the Market Place Commission for China was brought to the scope of personalized products and automotive spare parts sectors within the scope of the ‘Strategy of Strategy of our companies. “
In the statement, the Ministry, the E-Coat Export Platform, which will help exporters to create e-export road maps, is established, and 18 different market places operating in China, Russia and Latin America and 5 different social media and search engine advertising platforms were published. stated.
The Global E-Exhibition Summit will be held this year.
It is reported that companies will continue to support e-export operations by facilitating the opening of the online stores in global market places in 2025.
“In addition to our Chinese and Indian e-export delegations in 2024, in order to support the establishment of the most accurate business partnerships of our companies that realize e-export, our delegations for Brazil, Indonesia, Japan and many other countries will be realized in 2025. On the other hand, September 2024 In Istanbul, Istanbul will continue to strengthen our country in the global e-commerce ecosystem by realizing the Istanbul Global E-Exhibition Summit in 2025, which brings together expert speakers in the field of e-commerce and brings together over 30 global market places. As the Ministry, we will continue to walk with all our stakeholders to become a global player in e-export.