When a Turkish citizen residing or residing abroad wants to obtain or renew a passport, he must apply to the Turkish consulate in the relevant country.
The maximum amount that a person who applies for a new passport from the consulate must pay to obtain a new passport is 105 euros. In other words, the amount you need to pay for a passport valid for 10 years is approximately 3950 liras at today’s exchange rate. 76 euros of this is the fee paid for the duration, while 25 euros is paid for the passport book. There is a passport postage fee of 4 euros.
So, how much does a Turkish citizen living in Turkey pay if he wants to get a new passport valid for 10 years or to renew his passport?
According to the figures on the website of the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs, the amount that a Turkish citizen must pay for a passport valid for 10 years is 8623.30 TL, including the book fee. 7833 TL of this is the fee given for the period, and 790 TL is the book fee.
In other words, a citizen who resides in Turkey and wants to get a passport from Turkey has to pay 4673 lira more for a 10-year passport than a person who lives or is abroad.
Moreover, this gap will widen further at the end of the year as the price of valuable paper increases with the inflation rate.