In the Middle East, which has turned into a ring of fire, the risk of conflicts evolving into major wars is increasing day by day. The biggest concern is the chaotic situation that will occur when the genocidal state Israel increases the dose of its attacks against Iran and Syria. After Lebanon, Israel’s comprehensive air operations against Iran and Syria reveal the possibility of new refugee influxes to Turkey and the terrorist organization PKK/YPG engaging in treacherous actions. These possibilities; The question “Should the compulsory military service period be extended with the current number of soldiers in the Turkish Armed Forces?” was also brought to the agenda. The Turkish Armed Forces, which is the second largest land power in NATO, currently has 390 thousand military personnel, including nearly 180 thousand, while 55.2 percent of the Turkish Armed Forces’ combat force consists of professional soldiers. Experts are in favor of extending the period of compulsory military service…
Security Policies Expert Abdullah Ağar stated that a professional soldier was performing the task of 10 people and said, “The issue needs to be questioned very carefully. Wars are no longer fought with the strategy of ‘give the soldiers a rifle and send them to the front’. However, the Russia-Ukraine war shows how important the human factor is.” showed that it was. The number of soldiers of the Turkish Armed Forces is sufficient to perform current duties. However, in case of a possible crisis or war, more soldiers will be needed. “Let’s not forget that when you increase the military service period to 12 months during peace periods, this creates a cost burden for both the taxpayers and the state,” he said.
Drawing attention to the developments in the Middle East and Greece’s ambitions, Ağar said, “There is always a risk that the Turkish Armed Forces will face multi-axis crises in this geography. The issue I really care about is Turkish children and Turkish women breathe the spirit of military service, even for a few months. Even though the state does not need it, our country needs it. Instilling the context of boots and the spirit of military service in our male and female citizens is very important for patriotic awareness. More importantly, it is necessary to protect the Turkish Armed Forces from factions. During war, no structure, no mentality, no clergy should be allowed to come between God and His servant, or between the state and the citizen. “Examples of the painful consequences of this are the Balkan Wars and FETO,” he said.
Retired Intelligence Colonel Coşkun Başbuğ pointed out that the 6-month compulsory military service period is insufficient and said: “If Israel spreads the war to the entire region, the 6-month compulsory military service period may put us in trouble in the future. In light of current developments, the military service period should be increased to 12 months. The contract soldier practice may also be reconsidered. It was right to close military high schools after the treacherous FETO coup attempt on July 15. Since the traitors have been cleared from our army, military high schools must be reopened. It is very important to train officers and petty officers starting from high school. Unfortunately, it does not look like military high schools will be opened. “It would be beneficial to increase the number of our soldiers against the danger of American-Israeli imperialism.”

Retired Staff Colonel Ünal Atabay stated that Turkey is in a region of fire and said, “The best training period for soldiers is 18 months. The number of personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces and the duration of compulsory military service can be re-evaluated according to the developments in the region. We must always maintain the number of soldiers who are fit, ready and able to be mobilized in our geography. “All peacetime preparations must be completed in order to quickly mobilize against possible risks.”
(email protected)