Mortgage loan interest rates are on the agenda of those who want to buy a house! According to the latest data announced by banks, payment plans for 3 million TL and 2 million TL housing loans vary. There are large differences between interest rates and installment amounts, especially long-term loans provide easy payment options.
Here is the payment plan of the 3 million TL housing loan with a maturity of 120 months:
Interest Rate: 3.30%
Monthly Installment: 101.053,59 TL
Total Payment: 12.152.430 TL
Interest Rate: 3.00%
Monthly Installment: 92.669,75 TL
Total Payment: 11.152.070 TL
Interest Rate: 2.89%
Monthly Installment: 89.635,63 TL
Total Payment: 10.787.035 TL