Kadyrov threatens Russian MPs with blood feud


Lerato Khumalo

Ramzan Kadyrov is known for his brutal methods. Now the Chechen ruler has threatened Russian members of parliament.

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has accused Russian MPs of plotting to murder him. According to the state news agency Tass, he accused three MPs from neighboring regions at a meeting with security representatives. “Unless they prove otherwise, I will formally declare a blood feud,” Kadyrov was quoted as saying.

The background to the conflict is the merger of the online retailer Wildberries with the advertising group Russ Group. One of the MPs mentioned is Suleiman Kerimov, a wealthy businessman and senator from Dagestan. He is accused by Vladislav Bakalchuk, an ally of Kadyrov, of seizing control of Wildberries.

Tatiana Kim, Russia’s richest woman and Bakalchuk’s wife, is also involved in the conflict. Before the merger, it held 99 percent of Wildberries and now about 65 percent of the merged company RVB; She has also filed for divorce. Comments from the people mentioned were not immediately available.

Kadyrov has ruled Chechnya in southern Russia since 2007. President Putin supported him after the death of his father, Akhmat Kadyrov, who was assassinated in 2004. Human rights activists accuse Ramzan Kadyrov of serious abuse and assault; his units are also fighting in Ukraine.