Google, behind the new Pixel 9 series, has announced to the world a series of functionalities and features aimed at protecting the smartphone in case of theft. Although it was expected that all these new features would take time to arrive on the devices, there was no need to wait too long.
The Google system designed to protect your mobile phone against possible theft will work as follows:
What Google brings with this system is automatic protection in case of theft. The added functions and features are aimed at protecting your information and everything is done automatically, which provides a significant advantage in managing these situations.
Well-known Android expert Mishaal Rahman has published a series of screenshots on Mastodon, a social network rival to X, from which you can see how the functionality will be integrated into an Android mobile phone.
Theft detection lock
Offline device lock
The first of these functions means that when someone is detected to have stolen a mobile device, a protocol will be initiated to block the mobile phone. What will happen is that the device will be locked and the lock screen will not allow access to the data.
That’s not all, the second feature is made in such a way that all the data on the device is preserved even when the terminal is offline. This means that all the information stored cannot be accessed.
Although it has started to be integrated into devices, Google has not yet provided any information on when this new functionality might be available globally.