Don’t kill children, it’s not circumcision, it’s death cabins


Lerato Khumalo

In Kayseri, a 7-year-old boy who was circumcised in a health cabin despite the ban and then developed gangrene, has drawn attention to incompetent circumcisers. Although the Ministry of Health recommends that circumcision should only be performed in hospitals, some families do not heed these warnings. In the incident in Kayseri, it was learned that the boy developed gangrene after the circumcision and his genitals were cut off, and the family filed a complaint against the health officer. On the other hand, prices at incompetent or so-called backroom circumcisers start at 3,000 TL. The price may increase if these people come to the house. Backroom circumcisers, on the other hand, pose both diseases and serious dangers.

The ideal time for circumcision is after the age of newborn or 6 years.


While the circumcised child must be kept under 24-hour surveillance, the children are sent home after the circumcision, which is performed in cabins under the counter. In some cases, the child can be treated by taking tissue from the inside of the lip, but in cases of gangrene, the genitals must be cut off. On the other hand, the child’s age and the methods used are also extremely important in the circumcision process so that it does not cause psychological problems. Urology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Akçay says that circumcision reduces the rate of urinary tract infection, syphilis, gonorrhea and penile cancer.


“Various surgical procedures are applied for circumcision,” says Akçay, adding that these include methods such as guillotine, sleeve, and dorsal slit. Akçay recommends families to find a physician who is experienced in circumcision, “Circumcision should never be performed on anyone who is not competent. Circumcision is performed by urology, pediatric surgery and general surgery specialists. Circumcision is performed with general or local anesthesia. After the surgery, antibiotic cream is recommended for 4-5 days to reduce the risk of infection. During this time, it is also important not to let water come into contact with the wound,” he says.


Urologist Burak Saygılı stated that circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin called prepuce that covers the penis and exposes the tip of the penis, and added, “If the mouth of the foreskin is narrow, this may cause difficulty in urinating and subsequently infection, and in more advanced stages, significant problems in the upper urinary tract due to obstruction may occur. This narrowing can be eliminated by circumcision. It is stated that the risk of cervical cancer in the partners of circumcised people is reduced. Circumcision can reduce urinary tract infections by 10 times. He used the expressions.

Don't kill children, it's not circumcision, it's death cabins - Picture : 2
Approximately 25 percent of men worldwide are circumcised for religious, cultural, medical or familial reasons.


Urology Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Yıldız also stated that the first 24 hours after circumcision are very important, and that excessive movements should be avoided in the first week. Underlining that circumcision is an important surgical procedure that may have serious complications, although it may seem like a simple procedure, Yıldız said the following: “The health of our children is very important. Painkillers may be required for the first 24 hours after circumcision. The cream prescribed by the doctor should be applied to the stitches for 3 days. “Children can take a shower within a few days after circumcision. Although surgical recovery is within 3 days, visual recovery takes up to 3 weeks.”

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