The treatment problem experienced in Dikili, a district of Izmir, one of the rare settlements of the Aegean, has not been solved for years. While the summer population of the district with a population of approximately 48 thousand approaches 300 thousand, the current old discharge system with a sedimentation system pollutes the Aegean Sea. While Dikili’s sewage continues to be discharged 800 meters offshore, the fact that no solution has been found to the problem is causing the citizens to react. While it is brought up that there is also a problem of odor due to wind in the touristic city, the sewage wastes that are haphazardly dumped into the streams in the Salihleraltı Neighborhood are also one of the biggest causes of pollution.
While the sea pollution in the Salihleraltı area, where summer houses are densely located in Dikili, has been continuing for about 10 years, the fact that no concrete steps have been taken to solve the purification problem specified in the North Aegean Basin Pollution Prevention Action Plan has caused criticism. Conscientious citizens living in Dikili, on the other hand, He says that the source of the ongoing pollution is that the dairy farm producing dairy products in Kıratlı village and thousands of summer houses pollute the sea by not operating their wastewater treatment systems.
While the residents of the region demanded the construction of a biological wastewater treatment plant with ultraviolet disinfection, odor removal, in an immediate manner, the Izmir Water and Sewerage Administration General Directorate (IZSU) stated that the zoning plan for the treatment plant was approved by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Council, but the area was reported to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism because it was the Izmir Dikili Culture and Tourism Protection and Development Region.
On the other hand, another problem in Dikili, which has the longest coastline in the North Aegean, is the environmental pollution in the Karaçalı Stream. While the fact that no precautions have been taken against the environmental pollution that has been going on for a long time has caused reactions, Özgür Duygu Durgun from Dikili Clean Environment-Clean Sea Volunteers, who made a statement to ‘’; “The sea coast of the district has the longest coastline in the North Aegean. Dikili is a neighbor in the Aegean Sea, but the inadequacy of the region’s water and sewage infrastructure and the failure to operate purifiers in dairy farms cause serious pollution. he said.
Speaking to “”, Dikili People’s Assembly Spokesperson Serap Acar stated that the treatment and sewage systems that will also cover the streams in Salihleraltı can only be completed in 5 years: “The treatment problem is not solved. The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor announced that they will allocate additional funds to the November budget for the treatment plant. We have come to this point after years of effort and collecting 12 thousand signatures. We hope that words will not remain in the air. There are very serious infrastructure problems in the Salihleraltı region. “Sewage waste is being dumped into the sea using a method called sedimentation, which was used 35 years ago. It is unacceptable that there is still no treatment system in this era.”

Nedim Akay, a member of the Dikili People’s Assembly, emphasized that ecological life has been severely damaged due to the discharge of sewage waste into the Aegean Sea. Akay also said, “The sewage waste collected in the collection center is sifted for solid separation and discharged into the sea. As you can see, the primitive method of 40 years ago has not been abandoned. When the direction of the dominant winds changes, there is an odor problem in the district. Karaçalı stream and other streams are also under serious pollution pressure. It should be checked whether the wastewater treatment systems in the sites are working effectively.“I,” he said.
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