2 tangerine and 4 banana varieties were developed in Mersin


Lerato Khumalo

R&D studies continue at the Alata Horticultural Research Institute Directorate affiliated with the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Erdemli district of Mersin.

Within the scope of the studies, two tangerines named “Alarin”, which remained on the tree until March, and “Aladen”, which was harvested in January and is suitable for export with its quality and aroma, were developed.

Within the scope of the studies carried out on banana, the new varieties developed were named “Baba Baysal”, “Alata Barışı”, “Poyraz 46” and “Şeker Filiz”.

While the developed products were registered, a program was organized at the institute to promote the fruits in question.

In the program, Mersin Governor Ali Hamza Pehlivan and other relevant people harvested the developed tangerines and bananas.

Pehlivan told journalists that 6 products were registered with the studies at the institute.

According to AA news, Pehlivan pointed out the importance of product development and stated that the registered products were brought to the agricultural sector.

Stating that such studies are very important, Pehlivan said:

“All the products have been tested and tested. Scientific research has also been carried out on the durability and sustainability of the products in the field. As of today, they have been included in the literature. In the next stage, studies on the widespread production of the products will continue uninterruptedly. The aim here is to produce products that have a long shelf life and are resistant to pests.” “Those who choose these new types will both increase their production volume and obtain higher quality products.”

Stating that important studies have been carried out at Alata Horticulture Research Institute, Pehlivan stated that product development will have a positive impact on producers.

Governor Pehlivan added that they also held an evaluation meeting regarding the carob and 3 tangerine varieties planned to be developed.