In accordance with the principle of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance “Tax Receipt rather than the winner”, the rate of withholding to the earnings obtained from the participation of the investment fund was increased to 15 percent while the investment fund was regulated in the taxation of financial investment instruments.
The President’s decision was published in the Official Gazette.
According to the information obtained from the Ministry, the decision of the withholding rates applied to the capital market instruments, the taxation of justice and efficiency in taxation was amended.
In order to contribute to the balanced distribution of the tax burden, the discounted withholding rates applied in the interest and profit shares obtained from Turkish Lira deposits and participation accounts increased to general rates.
The withholding rates to be paid on the interest and profit shares paid to the term deposit/participation accounts that have been opened as of today, 15 percent of up to 6 months (including 6 months) up to 6 months, 12 percent up to 1 year (including 1 year), more than 1 year, more than 1 year It will be 10 percent in futures accounts.