Watch out for the night between August 12th and 13th: ‘Fireballs’ will rain down from the sky!


Lerato Khumalo

According to the 2024 Celestial Events Yearbook prepared by the TÜBİTAK National Observatory (TUG); meteor shower events, which are the residue left by the passage of comets, some of which date back thousands of years, occur eight times a year in the world.

These are called Quadrantid, Lyrid, Eta Aquarid, Delta Aquarid, Perseid, Orionid, Leonid and Geminid. The most striking of the meteor showers, which are formed when meteors enter the Earth’s atmosphere at extremely high speeds and burn up as a result of friction, is the Perseid meteor shower, which will start on July 14 and last until September 1.

The day when Perseid will be most visible will be the night between August 12 and 13.


The Celestial Events Yearbook, prepared annually by TUG experts, includes the following information about the Perseid meteor shower:

“The Perseid Meteor Shower is known to be the source of the Perseid shower, which consists of small pieces of rock and dust that have broken off from the Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. The Comet Swift-Tuttle, which has a nucleus of 26 kilometers in diameter, completes its orbit around the Sun in 133 years.”