Küçükşabanoğlu evaluated the recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence and predictions for 2025.
Noting that there have been important developments in the field of artificial intelligence in the world and in Turkey in the last 5 years, Küçükşabanoğlu said that especially developed countries have put this issue on their main agenda.
Küçükşabanoğlu pointed out that countries look at the technology in question from an economic perspective and said, “Because artificial intelligence in the world will create an economic volume of approximately 15.7 trillion dollars by 2030. Especially developed countries want to get their share from this and strengthen their economies.” he said.
Emphasizing that artificial intelligence is also important in terms of security, Küçükşabanoğlu stated that we are going through a period where “cyber wars” are talked about and that countries want to ensure their security by using this technology.
Küçükşabanoğlu explained that especially the USA and China are competing in this field, the United Arab Emirates has taken serious steps, and the United Kingdom and Singapore have also taken initiatives.
Recalling the developments that took place in France and the European Parliament last year, Küçükşabanoğlu said, “When we look at these developments, the world has put artificial intelligence on its main agenda. Artificial intelligence is such a dynamic concept that we have difficulty in following these developments in the world.” he said.
– “Cyber security is a must for countries”
Drawing attention to the developments in Turkey in the field of artificial intelligence, Küçükşabanoğlu said, “A commission on artificial intelligence was established in the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM). I hope the commission will continue its work successfully. The National Security Council has also started to include artificial intelligence in its decisions.” made his evaluations.
Küçükşabanoğlu stated that steps have been taken by ministries and institutions in the field of artificial intelligence in Turkey and that changes have been made in the organizational structure of the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Health.
Emphasizing that institutions such as the Ministry of Industry and Technology, TÜBİTAK and KOSGEB provide incentives to artificial intelligence entrepreneurs, Küçükşabanoğlu said:
“The Presidency of Cyber Security was established in Turkey. Because cyber security is indispensable for countries. Including economy, security, foreign policy, cyber security is actually included in all of them. Turkey is currently in the 40s in artificial intelligence indexes, but aims to be in the top 20.” “If the steps taken are increased, 2025 may be the year for Turkey to enter the top 20.”
– “Regulations regarding deepfakes need to be issued”
Küçükşabanoğlu pointed out that artificial intelligence has transformed many fields such as foreign policy, economy, sports and media, and said that this technology has disadvantages as well as advantages.
Stating that one of the most important problems in artificial intelligence is privacy and ethical problems, Küçükşabanoğlu said, “Deepfake technology, that is, digital voice and face transplantation in a language that everyone can understand. Deepfake is not only a problem for Turkey, it is a problem for the world. The world needs to make regulations regarding this.” he said.
Küçükşabanoğlu explained that technology can manipulate individuals and be used in international blackmail and espionage.
– “We are in the year when we will see the privacy problems of artificial intelligence”
Drawing attention to the density of cameras in the USA, China and the United Kingdom, Küçükşabanoğlu reported that 133 faces are read per minute in some neighborhoods in the United Kingdom. Touching on the risks of this technology, Küçükşabanoğlu made the following assessment:
“We are in a year where we will see more privacy and ethical problems of artificial intelligence. Technology literacy is very important to protect ourselves from this. If technology literacy is developed in a society, people can protect themselves against it. At the same time, the public should also make a breakthrough in this regard. Because the public has the duty to protect its citizens against such threats.” That’s why we will see the economic benefits of artificial intelligence in 2025, but we will also face privacy and ethical problems. Technology literacy is important and states should work with wise people before it is too late. “It is very important that it takes serious regulatory steps.”