Ankara University Faculty of Science Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences Professor. Dr. Tolgahan Kılıçoğlu, 6 planets in the same line is a rare event, he said.
There are 8 planets in the solar system and the tour of the planets around the sun is different Kılıçoğlu pointed out, “Uranus is almost a human life around the sun. In some periods, planets away from the sun can be found in the same area in the same area. It is very important to us because we are usually in such a period. ” he said.
Kılıçoğlu, 4 planets away from the sun Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune is grouped, Venus and Mars are currently joining this group, said:
“This event is called ‘planet fashion show’ or ‘planet gate’. A very exciting event for astrophotoglu and sky observers. Between the years of 1999, these remote planets have been located in the solar system in a close region, and we have the chance to leave this group a few more times. If we want to observe Uranus and Neptune in this group, it will be for a while. “
“No need to go too far”
The most suitable time for observation after the sun sets about 19.00-19.30 hours Kılıçoğlu transfer, observers with the naked eye or telescope will be good at the first time Saturn and Venus will be good because they are closest to the Western horizon, he said.
Pointing out that the planets should be away from the city lights as much as possible to observe the planets, Kılıçoğlu said, “However, because the planets are too bright, there is no need to go too far to see the target planets. Dark areas can be preferred to appear with the stars.” he said.
On the other hand, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn planets can be seen with the naked eye without a telescope.