General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises (TİGEM) Chairman of the Board of Directors. Hasan Gezginç said, “Last year, our production was around 300 thousand tons. Our previous period production was 390 thousand tons. This year, we completed our planting with 346 thousand tons of target. ”
The General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises aims to increase the herbal and animal production of the country with 17 enterprises operating in many regions from the west of Turkey to the east. Tigem, which attaches importance to production diversity, conducts research and development works in seed, seedlings, seedlings and similar products in order to improve the quality of grown products.
“We have completed our cultivation in 1 million 27 thousand decares”
TİGEM Chairman and General Manager. Hasan Gezginç gave information to the UAV correspondent about the activities of the institution in 2024 and explained the targets of 2025. Noting that TİGEM is an institution that makes agriculture on 3.5 million decares of land, Gezginç said, “Our main task is to support the Turkish farmers in terms of cereal seeds. Every year we plant in an area of 1 million decares to produce cereal seeds. This year, we have completed our planting in 1 million 27 thousand decares of decares ”.
“We completed our planting with 346 thousand tons of target”
Gezginç said that TİGEM uses 45 kinds of cereals and said, “6 of them are pasta wheat. 24 of them are bread wheat. 9 of them are barley. We produce with a total of 45 types, others from cereals. Last year, our production was around 300 thousand tons. Our previous period production was 390 thousand tons. This year, we completed our planting with 346 thousand tons of target ”.
“2024 has been some dry one year for our country”
Underlining that herbal production is affected by external factors and natural conditions, TİGEM Chairman Gezginç said, “2024 It was a little dry year for our country. Our General Directorate, which operates in 17 enterprises and maintains its production in different geographies from the east to the west, from the south to the north, has been influenced by the climate data throughout Turkey. For him, we have experienced some decreases in production compared to previous years ”.
“There is an increase of 21 percent in our seed sales”
Emphasizing that they attach great importance to growing certified seeds in herbal production, Gezginç said, “One of every 4 seeds produced in Turkey today is a type of tigem in terms of cereals. We have a 21 percent market share for cereals. We are the leader of the market. In 2024, we realized this production. We continue our leadership in the market. In fact, compared to the previous year, our seed sales increase a 21 percent increase ”.
“TİGEM The Insurance of the Production of the Country”
TİGEM Chairman Gezginç said, “We can think of TİGEM as the insurance of the country’s production. Each material produced in TİGEM means the seed that our farmers can produce a year later. When the year 2024 was evaluated by us, I can say that it was a fertile and beautiful year, where sales increased compared to the previous year. ”
“Every year we set ourselves yield target”
Gezginç also shared Tigem’s yield target in 2025 and said, “Every year we set the yield target. Agriculture is a very clear issue for external factors. We set our target this year as 346 thousand tons, “he said.
“Tigem ‘good agricultural certificate’ manufacturing”
Gezginç noted that production in agriculture should continue sustainable and continued his statement as follows:
“As of 2019, TİGEM is producing ‘good agricultural certified’ in all areas of production. I would like to say this proudly that 57 percent of all the lands with good agricultural practices in this country belong to TİGEM. We do our duty to protect soil and water and we strive. All irrigation systems are pressure irrigation system. We do not apply systems that we call wild irrigation. We apply model irrigation systems -like irrigation systems -like irrigation systems. ”
“40 percent of our seeds are tolerant to drought”
TİGEM Chairman of the Board of Directors stated that they have signed important studies in order to prevent the seeds of cultivated due to climate change to be affected by the temperature degrees showing the differences. Not just drought and excessive rainfall. When all of them get into them, we are talking about an order in which excessive rainfall occasionally occasionally occurs. In order to prepare for the climate change, 40 percent of our seeds in production as of today are composed of tolerant or durable varieties to drought in some way ”.
“We strive to be prepared for all kinds of conditions that may affect production”
Emphasizing that every stage of climate change has been followed in order to prevent agriculture in Turkey to be affected, Gezginç said that they cooperate with the research and development units of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and said, uz We strive to be prepared against all kinds of conditions that may affect climate change and production ”.
“Let our people have no doubts about the self -sufficiency of our country”
Gezginç stated that TİGEM has the largest production area of Turkey and said, “Ceylanpınar Agriculture is the largest agricultural enterprise in the world as one piece. We are a general manager of this country to be proud of. If there is a situation that can risk production of this country for any reason, we are always capable of supporting this production and providing the necessary seeds and raw materials to the farmers. I want our people to have no doubts about the self -sufficiency of our country ”.