They made a profit, first by manipulation, then by compensation.


Lerato Khumalo

The most common crime of insult occurs on social media. Some people make comments that touch nerve endings about events that first cause outrage in society. Afterwards, they identify those who insulted or cursed them and file a lawsuit for compensation through their lawyers. There are even people who take this up as a profession. In fact, one person may have hundreds of files on cyber crimes. For example, theater actor Levent Üzümcü has 5 thousand complaints about insults, actor İlyas Salman has 4 thousand complaints, fashion designer Barbaros Şansal has 2 thousand 500 complaints, and actress Berna Laçin and politician Ümit Özdağ have more than 2 thousand insult complaints. Following these developments, a controversial decision emerged from the 9th Judicial Package. The parties will no longer compromise and in case of a complaint, the prosecutor’s office will impose a fine of 100 TL per day. While the person who paid the money receives a non-prosecution, citizens are reacting to the decision.

A mediator will no longer be sought for insult crimes.


Lawyer Kevser Yıldırım stated that such incidents occur frequently because social media has become a source of income and said, “Recently, insult crimes have become the subject of many complaints. The crime of insult is a crime subject to complaint. In crimes subject to complaint, if the victim gives up his complaint, no punishment will be imposed. For this reason, people who make financial demands to drop the complaint in defamation crimes turn this situation into a source of profit. “The number of people who have made it a profession to make money by complaining about thousands of people has increased,” he said.


Explaining that the crime of insult is subject to mediation and that the mediator reaches the parties before a lawsuit is filed, Yıldırım said, “It is also possible for the victim to reconcile in exchange for a financial benefit. Although the punishment for the simplest form of the crime of insult is imprisonment from 3 months to 2 years or a judicial fine.” “In case of a qualified crime, an increase is applied.” He ended his statements by saying.

They made a profit, first manipulation, then compensation - Picture: 2
The penalty for the crime of insult starts from 3 months.


Lawyer Hadi Dündar, who evaluated the crime of insult becoming a sector, said: “According to Article 125 of the Turkish Penal Code, a person who attributes a concrete act or fact that may offend a person’s honor, dignity and prestige, or who attacks a person’s honor, dignity and prestige by swearing, has three “It is punishable by imprisonment from one month to two years or by a judicial fine.”


On the other hand, touching on the regulation in the 9th Judicial Package, Dündar said: “These crimes have been removed from the scope of conciliation and included in the scope of prepayment. The complainant will not be able to obtain financial benefits for crimes committed after 14.11.2024. It is a shame before this is accepted.” Some people were trying to insult themselves by sharing posts that would touch the nerve endings of society. in my post If there is a criminal element, it will lead the public to hatred and resentment. gets punished. People should not reply to anyone on social media and should not post insulting or threatening posts. The person who does it commits a crime and will be punished.”

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