There may be an end to humanity, ‘Elon Musk’s dark plan?


Lerato Khumalo

Famous US businessman Elon Musk is on the agenda again with his humanoid robots. While Tesla’s humanoid robot Optimus was at the center of the Cybercab launch event recently, those who saw the robots could not hide their admiration. However, Musk’s statement that humanoid robots “will be among us in the near future, they will be able to do everything” raised questions and concerns. The biggest concern in the scientific world is that robots will take part in the weapons and defense industries and upset the balance between countries. Researcher-Author Dr. Ramazan Kurtoğlu is one of the names that point out that artificial intelligence and neurallink research are the dark side of Musk’s projects. Kurtoğlu said, “Musk shows the bright side of robot technology. However, such technologies have a dark side, just like the internet, unmanned aerial vehicles, bio-genetics, electromagnetic and laser technologies. One of the dark elements is less cost and the post-human project. Elites, one world “He wants to enslave humanity through his state,” he says.

Elon Musk said that Optimus, which is planned to be released in 2026, can facilitate daily tasks and perform tasks such as watering plants, walking the dog, and babysitting.


While drawing attention to some research conducted in recent years, Kurtoğlu said, “We know that artificial intelligence and, as a result, robots have produced a new language with algorithms among themselves. Moreover, they have started to use this language among themselves. People have already been transformed physically and mentally through social media. “In the near future, mind control will be activated through chipping.” he said.


Technology Expert Tanol Türkoğlu said; “When it comes to robots, the level of artificial intelligence built into the devices in question is overshadowed,” he says, drawing attention to the importance of the limitation and control mechanism. Türkoğlu lists his warnings as follows: “Robots have a physical body and even if their ‘mind’ does not work hard, they have the capacity to cause harm with their physical power. Therefore, every new development in the robotic world worries humanity more than artificial intelligence. I wonder if this power could cause trouble for humanity. Moreover, after a while, robot armies may invade the world on behalf of their owners or themselves. “There is a need for limitation and control.”


“For example, a Tesla soldier robot exported to another country can be programmed to automatically disable itself when introduced through American borders. The idea of ​​robots fighting on the front line is still unlikely due to financial reasons. With this “It is practically possible to use robotic technology in areas such as reconnaissance, intelligence and pinpoint operations.”

There may be an end to humanity, 'Elon Musk's dark plan? - Picture: 2
Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technologies Expert Müjdat Yumak said that robotic systems and artificial intelligence entered our lives, although not as military units in the first place. “Countries will survive according to the work they do in the field of technology or science,” said Yumak, adding, “This situation makes it necessary to use your own resources, establish your own defense industry and apply it to your systems.”


Lawyer Kürşat Ergün (President of the Information Technology Law Association)

“As a result, these are a number of smart objects created with artificial intelligence modelling. It is discussed in the legal world what legal status these objects will be subject to. There is currently no concrete regulation regarding them. However, if we look at the basics of the matter, there is a coding here. Therefore, Some criminal responsibilities should be brought against those who produce, create, code and have responsibility for this software. “It is certain that new regulations will enter our lives in the future.”

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