In the written statement made by the Ministry, “In the new period that started with the collapse of the old regime in Syria on December 8, 2024 and the process of liberation of the people, there is a great progress in Turkey-Syria relations. In this context, foreign trade between our country, which is Syria’s largest trade partner, and Syria A new era has begun in our relations. Turkish products can now reach not only the regions liberated in the north with our peace operations, but also all Syrian lands and people. In the process that started with the implementation of a common and single customs regime for all neighboring countries and all countries of the world, which came into force in 2025, some misunderstandings and confusion have emerged with the Syrian authorities, as the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Turkey, through a video conference supervised by our state institutions. Negotiations were held. In this regard, a delegation consisting of relevant technical staff, headed by Deputy Minister of Trade Mustafa Tuzcu, met with Turkish Airlines, which made its first flight to Damascus, the capital of Syria, on Thursday, January 23, 2025. has reached. “The delegation of the Ministry of Commerce met with Syrian Minister of Trade and Consumer Protection Mahir Khalil al-Hasan, Head of the Land and Sea Borders Authority Kuteybe Bedevi and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Duhan in Damascus yesterday.”
It was stated that the current situation between Turkey and Syria, as well as the steps to be taken in economic and commercial relations and customs issues were discussed during the meetings, and the road map for the coming period was listed as follows:
“Revision of customs duties; It was decided to re-evaluate the customs duties, which are applied equally by the Syrian side to all countries and at all border gates, for certain products, as of January 11, 2025.
Free Trade Agreement; It was agreed to start negotiations to revive the Turkey-Syria Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which was suspended in 2011, with a more comprehensive economic partnership approach.
Economic and commercial cooperation; In order to revitalize the Syrian economy, it was decided to cooperate in areas such as trade in industrial and agricultural products, transit transportation, bilateral transportation, contracting and so on. It was stated by Syria that Turkish companies will play a key role in the reconstruction of Syria and that they will play a pioneer in the rapid development of the Syrian industry.
Participation of Turkish companies in reconstruction areas, works and projects throughout Syria; Coordination will be provided with the Syrian administration so that Turkish companies, which have so far provided services only to certain regions of Syria, will operate throughout the country in the new period and evaluate investment opportunities.
Cooperation at border gates and customs; “It was decided to strengthen the existing coordination in order to manage the increasing traffic at commercial crossing points with Syria more quickly and efficiently.”