Deadly Salmonella Risk


Lerato Khumalo

According to World Health Organization data, approximately 94 million Salmonella cases, 155 thousand, resulting in death, are seen, while 85 percent of them are known to be of food. Finally, Servet Polat, who was allegedly died after eating a caliper in İzmir, was turned to the famous Ortaköy caliper in Istanbul. The bakeds we interviewed say that the ingredients are daily and fresh, and that processed meat products such as salami and sausage are poured into the trash even if they stay the next day. The bakery enters into butters, cheddar cheese, olives, corn, pickles, barren, pasta salad, sausage, mushrooms. The most dangerous of these is sausage. The next day should not be consumed. The caliper should be eaten in places with continuous circulation.

In Ortaköy, the price of 16 bakeds lined up side by side, the places they buy materials is similar. Prices are 300 TL and no one can sell to more affordable or more expensive figures.

Daily changing

The person who lost his life, but the bacteria in the chicken put into the bacteria in the chicken, Ali B., “Our materials are changing daily. After the news, there were people who were afraid of the news,” he says. Izmir, who caused the death of the person who died in Izmir with a name similarity in Ortaköy Kumpirci, “Here the area is dying ‘I heard those who said. Our business was affected, but generally the purchases are low,” he said. Esra H. we interviewed, “Products do not stale, there are cooling from the bottom in shops. Recently, things dream. Some of them do not prefer us because they want to eat in cafes. “

People are afraid

Another calm named Murat Soldier also explained that the products come in storage containers and cans, “They all come from contracted wholesalers, postpaid ways. Trusted and halal products. Citizen, pay attention to the baked she eats from the cafes. Shopping centers and materials end in Ortaköy. All of our products are fresh. We do not sell things that we will not feed our family here. ”

Equivalent to a meal

Aslı Akdağ, the potatoes of the potatoes usually come from Nevşehir, Afyon, Adana, Çanakkale, Erdal Dogan, which products were thrown into the trash, said: “Olives may remain the next day, but the vicious, American salad, sausage certainly can not stay. Some people say ‘only potatoes are expensive’ for the baked, but a meal outside is 300-400 TL. Equivalent to a dinner in a bumpy meal. We buy 30 tons of potatoes a month, waiting in our warehouses. We also follow food hygiene rules. “

“Must be certified

Nurten Sirma (Food Engineer)

“Salmonella bacteria can be transmitted from raw fruits, vegetables, chicken,” Salmonella poisoning symptoms, nausea, diarrhea, loss of consciousness. Then the person may die due to the accumulation of toxin substances. Citizens should pay attention when buying a bakery. It is very important to keep the products in the cold chain. Raw materials must be safe and certified. “

Deadly Salmonella Risk - Picture: 2
Food Engineer Sırma: “Inspections should be increased. 15 different materials enter into the baked.

What happened?

Izmir Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation on the complaint of his family’s family, who had suffered health problems and died within two days. In the studies carried out within the scope of the investigation, the business owner N.D’nin other people who eaten a bakery at work showing signs of poisoning was determined to apply to hospitals. Thereupon, the owner of the workplace was detained. The suspect was arrested on charges of death by negligence by the Criminal Criminal Court of Peace on the Court of Peace. Otopsy was also autopsy to determine the cause of death of Servet Polat, but the result has not yet been announced. Ministry of Agriculture Izmir Provincial Directorate teams used in the preparation of food used in the first examination of the samples taken from the Salmonella virus was found.

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