Stock assets of domestic investors reached 3.6 trillion lira


Lerato Khumalo

Native investors’ share assets increased by 39 percent in 2024 compared to the previous year and exceeded 3.6 trillion pounds.

Turkey’s Capital Markets Association (TSPB), the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) and the Central Registration Authority (MKK) compiled by compilation by compile the “Financial Market Summary Data” announced.

Accordingly, the total financial assets of domestic and foreign investors increased by 34 percent in 2024 to 33 trillion 723 billion pounds reached.

Native investors’ share assets increased by 39 percent to 3 trillion 606 billion pounds. Considering that inflation was 44.38 percent last year, the growth in share deeds was below this rate.

1 trillion 820 billion pounds of these assets, individual investors, 1 trillion 20 million pounds legal entities, 766 billion pounds of corporate investors formed.

The total financial assets of the locals increased by 32 percent and exceeded 29.8 trillion pounds. The fastest growth was experienced in private Eurobond assets as in the previous year.

Private Eurobond assets of domestic investors increased by 120 percent to 958 billion pounds, while public Eurobond assets increased by 24 percent over 1.8 trillion pounds.

TL deposit assets of domestic investors exceeded 11.6 trillion pounds

According to data, domestic investors’ deposit assets increased by 37 percent in 2024 compared to the previous year, 11 trillion 651 billion pounds. Foreign exchange deposit accounts only 11 percent increased 5 trillion 748 billion pounds.

Natives’ private sector borrowing vehicles portfolio increased by 43 percent to 331 billion pounds, while the state domestic debt deed assets 36.6 percent increase 5 trillion 588 billion pounds passed.

The share of domestic investors, asset -based securities, asset securities, private and public Eurobond, state domestic borrowing securities, warrant and certificate, the share of capital market assets in total financial assets increased by 2.2 points to 41 percent compared to the end of the previous year, 41 percent, 41 percent, Rose to 7.

Financial assets of foreigners grew by 51 percent

Financial assets of foreign investors increased by 51.2 percent to 3 trillion 892 billion pounds as of the end of 2024. Foreigners’ state domestic borrowing deed investments increased by 695 percent to 616 billion pounds, while private sector borrowing vehicles grew by 633 percent to 12.7 billion pounds reached.

TL deposits of foreign investors increased by 50.3 percent to 434.7 billion pounds, the assets in foreign exchange deposit accounts increased by 9 percent to 680.4 billion pounds.

Foreigners ‘share of share assets increased by 35.3 percent and exceeded 2.1 trillion pounds, while the data, the growth in foreigners’ share assets also revealed that the inflation was below inflation.

A total of 5 trillion 712 billion pounds in Turkey, 37 percent of the share portfolio value of the share of foreign investors (including non -actual circulation), 63 percent of the locals belonged to the locals.

While the number of domestic investors decreased, the number of fund investors increased

The number of share -deed investors, which reached record levels in 2023 with the search for public offering and return, declined significantly in 2024, when the risk appetite fell due to the increase in interest rates. At the end of 2023, 7 million 644 thousand Borsa Istanbul share deed market in the total number of balances, the number of domestic individual investors decreased to 6 million 840 thousand in 2024.

The number of investors increased by more than 1 million investors increased to 5 million 413 thousand.

A situation in parallel with the decline in the number of domestic investors also took place in public offering.

In 2023, the public offering of 54 companies was held, and last year, this number fell to 34. Last year, the companies provided 59.5 billion pounds of capital markets through public offering.

As of the end of 2024, the number of quota companies to Borsa Istanbul increased to 572. The market value of public companies increased by 34 percent and exceeded 13 trillion 422 billion pounds.

While the number of bonds exported by companies decreased by 18 percent due to the impact of the increase in interest rates last year, private sector companies provided 564.7 billion resources from the capital markets.