Good relations between Türkiye and Spain enable steps towards cooperation in the field of military technology.
Following the visit of President Erdoğan and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez to this country for the intergovernmental summit between the two countries, it was reported that Sanchez wanted the Air Force’s future training aircraft to be Hürjet, and the current Northrop/CASA F-5M aircraft were replaced by Hürjet. It was stated that he could receive it. However, it is underlined that this information is at the level of rumor for now.
Hürjet, which is still in the development phase, is not currently available for sale.
Airbus signed an agreement with the Italian company Leonardo and offered the M-346 to Spain instead of the F-5M.
Another competitor of Hürjet is Boeing/Saab T-7 Red Hawk. However, Spain is not keen on this aircraft of American origin.
No information was given about whether there was an agreement in the field of defense during the meetings between Erdoğan and Sanchez last August.