Ballistic missiles launched by Russia against Ukraine on November 21; It caused concern in the US Department of Defense (Pentagon). While US staff began to prepare a special report after the attack, it was revealed that Ukrainian special units also received “nuclear attack training” in the USA. According to information obtained from the Pentagon by US-based global defense publication Defense One, it is stated that Ukrainian officers, who will return to their country after the training, will collect evidence after a possible nuclear attack by Russia. This evidence will be used to pressure Russia in international public opinion and organizations.
It was revealed that Ukrainian soldiers came to the National Laboratory in the State of Idaho, USA, to receive defense, rescue and intervention training in the face of a possible nuclear attack by Russia. During the training process, Ukrainian military personnel, consisting entirely of officers, were also taught how to collect nuclear residue and evidence to present to the global public and international institutions after a possible nuclear attack.
According to information obtained from military sources in the Pentagon, it is planned that the 20-person leading military personnel will also train the nuclear defense unit that is planned to be established when they return to Ukraine. During the training, many “real-time nuclear attack” simulations were also carried out. Nuclear experts from Argonne, Kansas City Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, Nevada national laboratories attended the training and The training was organized under the umbrella of the US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). The financing of the training was undertaken by the US Department of Energy.
While it was stated that the training in question was given within the framework of the USA’s strategy to counter Russian attacks, it was also revealed what type of nuclear material was used thanks to the nuclear evidence collection process. Pentagon sources state that the USA can thus reach the sources of nuclear materials and that Russia can be pressured with evidence after such an attack. Pentagon sources also They state that Kiev firmly believes that Russia will resort to the nuclear option, even if it is a last possibility. It is also among the information reflected behind the scenes that the Ukrainian Army has also requested a large number of special nuclear evidence collection devices from Washington.
While Pentagon officials underlined that the special training given to Ukrainian military groups was successful; Who attended the training is not disclosed for security reasons. It is stated that within the framework of the training, a laboratory aircraft with nuclear warfare scanning will be donated to Ukraine and two mobile command centers will be established in Kiev. Stating that a “Ukraine Task Force” has been established within the NNSA, military sources explain that the nuclear attack training given to Ukrainian troops since 2022 has ended. The trained Ukrainian officers will be taken to their country by the US State Department.
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