Navigations have become maps, thieves are watching your home


Lerato Khumalo

Digital maps on the internet pose serious security risks. Now, thieves can easily access every detail of a home or workplace without having to do an inspection. It is possible to access every detail from the location of the house to the camera angles, from the location of the house to the garden layout with digital applications. Experts warn citizens about the security gaps created by the applications.They emphasized that residences and workplaces should definitely be checked on maps. While attention is drawn to the blurring of images by resorting to digital platforms against the risk of possible theft, it is also stated that specifying a fixed location on digital maps is also risky.


Digital Communication Researcher Prof. Dr. Ali Murat Kırık stated that digital map applications make the job of thieves easier, and said, “Satellite images also provide an idea about the general structure and environmental conditions of the house. Such technologies allow thieves to conduct detailed exploration in a certain area without attracting attention. Details such as whether the house is isolated, nearby exit routes, and the status of neighbors’ houses can be seen through map applications. This way, even without physically visiting a home, thieves can identify its weakest points and plan their attacks.” he said.

Mapping apps are causing security vulnerabilities in citizens’ homes.


Making statements about increasing the security of homes, Kırık said, “Security cameras, with systems such as motion sensor lights and secure door locks “They can strengthen the security of their home. In addition, avoiding openly sharing the location of the home or security measures on platforms such as social media can prevent burglars from accessing this information,” he said.


Consumer Confederation Informatics Commission President Levent Karadağ, while listing the precautions and legal rights of citizens regarding potential security vulnerabilities, stated the following: “It is important that users do not mark their home addresses in map applications. Not specifying fixed locations such as home or work in application profiles or on maps makes it more difficult for personal information to be misused. There is an option to blur the image of your home in applications such as Google Street View. To do this, you can contact Google and request that the image of your home be hidden.”

Navigations have become maps, thieves are watching your home - Picture : 2
Experts say citizens can request to blur their homes through apps.


While Montenegro also touched upon the legal rights of citizens, “If you think someone is trying to harm you using navigation apps or other digital tools, you can contact law enforcement. You can report the situation to the police or gendarmerie with a complaint petition and request an investigation. Additionally, applying to the Cyber ​​Crime Department can also be effective in the judicial processes that will be initiated against threats made in the digital environment. Theft If you notice that your personal information has been misused or attempted to be misused, you can file a criminal complaint with the Office of the Chief Public Prosecutor. In this case, the prosecutor’s office will launch an investigation to investigate the incident.

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