Kızılelma successfully completed another test


Lerato Khumalo

In the post made on the company’s social media account with the hashtag ‘National Technology Move’, it was stated that the ‘Kızılelma PT-3’ engine start and running test was successfully completed.

The video of the test was also included in the post. Bayraktar Kızılelma PT-3, which also features automatic landing and take-off, low visibility, high maneuverability, line of sight and beyond line of sight communication, Active Phased Array Radar (AESA) and high situational awareness, has an operational altitude of 30 thousand feet and a payload capacity of 1500 kilograms.

The Kızılelma PT-3, which can stay in the air for 5 hours and engage in aggressive air-to-air combat, will be a force multiplier for security forces with its low radar cross-section. The Kızılelma PT-3, which will have the ability to take off and land from ships with short runways, will be able to attack designated targets with the ammunition it will carry inside its fuselage.