Archeology is one of the branches of science that provides the most material for science fiction. Archaeologists, who examine thousands of years old artifacts found underground or lying in ruins on top of the earth, benefit from different disciplines of science to reveal the period in which the objects they found belong and the conditions under which they were made. As technology develops, the work of archaeologists becomes easier. However, sometimes science and technology can leave some questions unanswered. That’s when imagination comes into play. This week, Greek Reporter magazine featured five unsolved mysteries of the ancient world.
Megalithic monuments is an expression used to describe large prehistoric stone structures. It is not known exactly who built such monuments, which are especially common in Western Europe, and for what purpose. IMegalithic monuments have been found in many different places, from the cold plains of Sweden to the sunny coasts of Spain. A recent study of these monuments showed that they were first built by the inhabitants of Northwestern France in the second half of the 5th millennium BC. The most famous of the monuments in question is Stonehenge in England. The common feature of the monuments is that they are aligned according to the movements of the Sun.
Narratives about the “Flood Legend”, which takes place in almost every belief, date back to the Bronze Age. Sumerians, one of the oldest and most influential civilizations of the ancient world, revealed the Epic of Gilgamesh. What is described here exactly coincides with the “Noah Flood” in the holy books. The Legend of Manu, a flood narrative in which the hero is a virtuous man, has been passed down from word to mouth in India and has survived to this day. Similar myths appear in ancient Greek and Norse mythology.
One of the most mysterious symbols identified in sculptures in the ancient world is an object that uncannily resembles a modern-day handbag. The mysterious bag is found in the culture of the Sumerians, in the ruins of ancient Greek temples in modern-day Turkey, in the decorations of the Maori natives of New Zealand, and in the artifacts of the Olmecs of Central America. Some contemporary theorists think the strange ancient handbag was a tablet of some kind. Accordingly, the bag relief in question proves that ancient civilizations had technology and that this technology was lost over time. According to a different interpretation, the bag figure represents a technological product from the visits of extraterrestrial beings.
The remains of alien-looking people with elongated skulls have been discussed in the scientific world for years. The most common example of elongated skulls appears in Egyptian art; There are many depictions of pharaohs with such heads. However, thousands of years of skull deformation practices also occur in various ancient world cultures. Nothing is known about the origin of this tradition. Some of the earliest examples of elongated skulls were unearthed at Coobool Creek and Kow Swamp in southeastern Australia.