Investments in financial goods in Turkey have reached 8 times in 5 years


Lerato Khumalo

According to the information compiled by the AA correspondent from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) data, gross investment expenditures for material goods include various areas such as land, building, renovation, machinery and equipment expenditures. Underground mines, forests, inner waters, oil wells, bridges, viaducts and renovation works in buildings and places with zero or second -hand computers, office materials, commercial vehicles and cars are also evaluated in this context.

Investment expenditures made by initiatives to these material goods increased regularly in the 2019-2023 period.

While investing in 523 billion 681 million pounds in 2019 in 2019, this amount increased to 677 billion 669 million pounds in 2020 and 1 trillion 209 billion 64 million pounds in 2021.

Investments, 2022 2 trillion 352 billion 160 million pounds rose to 4 trillion 193 billion 213 million pounds in 2023.

Thus, investment expenditures in the period in question increased by 8 times.

During this period, an investment expenditure of 8 trillion 955 billion 787 million pounds in this period was realized in 2023.

Most Investment Machinery and Equipment

Machinery and equipment took the first place in investments in material goods.

Investments in these products in the 5 -year period was 4 trillion 562 billion 625 million pounds. Machinery and equipment investments formed more than half of the total expenditures.

The investments in question 2 trillion 648 billion 251 million pounds building, 971 billion 202 million pounds renovation, 729 billion 542 million pounds land and land, 44 billion 167 million pounds followed by other areas.

2.8 trillion dollars in the manufacturing sector in 5 years

Considering the investments made by the sectors in this period, manufacturing took the first place.

2 trillion 791 billion 850 million pounds for investments in the sector was spent. Manufacturing, 1 trillion 283 billion 273 million pounds wholesale and retail trade, motor vehicles and motorcycles followed repair.

In the ranking, the third place took the transportation and storage sector with 1 trillion 182 billion 383 million pounds.

Among the other prominent sectors, 1 trillion 39 billion 980 million pounds electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning production and distribution, 803 billion 575 million pounds of construction sector attracted attention.