Increase in heart attacks due to pollution, 4 cigarettes a day have an effect


Lerato Khumalo

In Turkey, 300 thousand people die every year due to heart diseases.


“In order to say that heart attacks or heart diseases are related to the vaccine, the only variable in the lives of those who have problems should be the mRNA vaccine, but this is not the case. Heart attacks and heart problems have increased, but air pollution is one of the biggest reasons. S.enes, blood pressure, diabetes and excess weight are among the other reasons for the increase in heart attacks.


“We ignore environmental factors in cardiovascular diseases. In recent years, the stress burden has increased due to social and economic reasons. While the increase in stress causes the fire we call inflammation in the body, this triggers a heart attack. People living in Paris breathe in as much poison as smoking 4 cigarettes every day due to air pollution. “This situation is also valid for many of our cities, especially Istanbul.”


“Particle pollutants enter our body through breathing and cause deterioration of the vascular structure. When factors such as stress, smoking and malnutrition combine, arteriosclerosis and heart attack become inevitable. “Unfortunately, in our country, statistics on the direct effect between heart diseases and air pollution are not kept.”


“Another important health problem in the country is blood pressure. We now see hypertension patients starting from the age of 40. There is a rule in cardiology. One in four people has blood pressure, but only one in four people is aware of it. Only one in four people who is aware is under control. Unfortunately, our obesity and nutrition report is very bad. While fast food culture and consumption of packaged and processed foods damage the vascular structure; “It causes heart problems.”

“In order to say that Covid-19 vaccines trigger heart attacks, there should be no variables in terms of social, economic, environmental or stress after vaccination. However, we know that this is not the case. B.On the one hand, serious air pollution and stress; On the other hand, there is a vortex caused by smoking, alcohol, diabetes, processed food and inactivity.. For this reason, the rumors spread by anti-vaxxers should not be listened to.”

The increase in heart attacks is due to pollution, the effect of 4 cigarettes every day - Picture: 2
ITU Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Meteorological Engineering, faculty member Prof. Dr. Selahattin İncecik also shares the information at every opportunity: “The main cause of air pollution in Istanbul and Ankara is diesel vehicles. In places where industry dominates, dust from chimneys and thermal power plants pollute the air.”

Frightening picture!

Limits are constantly opening

On the other hand, approximately 300 thousand people die from heart diseases every year in Turkey. In the PM10 and PM2.5 measurements made based on the data of the National Air Quality Monitoring Network, it is stated that the limit values ​​recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) are exceeded in all provinces. Former Undersecretary of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization Prof. Dr. Mustafa Öztürk said for the cause of air pollution; “I think the use of poor quality fuel and particles from diesel vehicles are the source of the problem,” he comments.

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