The “Peoples Climate Vote 2024” survey has been completed. The results of the study, the most comprehensive global survey on climate change to date, revealed that people in many parts of the world are experiencing more sudden climate events and are more concerned about the future. The “Peoples Climate Vote 2024”, which is also the world’s largest independent public opinion poll on climate change, was launched in 2020 by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and its partners. It was stated that the aim of the survey was to educate people about climate change solutions and ask them about the actions they think governments should take. It was reported that the survey, conducted by UNDP and Oxford University, covered 77 countries.
The research results revealed that awareness of climate change has been raised in all 77 countries and that people all over the world have similar concerns. The research emphasizes that climate change is a global problem that requires international solutions.But at a time of rising tensions over trade and geopolitics, countries may be unwilling to work together” while the results show that people do not think that way. 86 percent of those surveyed say it is imperative for governments to work together.
In the survey, when asked “How often do you think about climate change?” 32 percent of participants answered “every day.” 24 percent answered “once a week.” These two data points showed that awareness about climate change has increased significantly. Participants said, “Are you more or less concerned about climate change than last year?53 percent responded to the question “more.”
The effects of climate change are increasing every year. People are experiencing more extreme weather events. Although the survey, which investigates who is most affected in the world, yields different results from country to country, it is seen that awareness is generally high on average. 43 percent of the participants in the survey responded that weather events are “worse than ever”. 41 percent responded that they are the same as when warming effects started. The survey, which aims to measure whether climate change has an effect on consumption behaviors and life choices,How much does climate change affect big decisions like where your family lives, works, or what they buy?” was asked. 34 percent of the participants answered “it affected a little.”
The measures taken by governments against global warming were also evaluated in the survey. When asked, “How quickly should your country replace coal, oil and gas with renewable energy such as wind or solar?”, 41 percent responded “very urgent” on average worldwide. 30 percent selected the option “somewhat urgent.” When asked, “How much should your country protect nature? Should it plant trees or protect wildlife?”, 81 percent responded “very much.”How well is your country tackling climate change?The answers to the question “What is the government doing?” revealed that people are generally not very happy with their governments in this regard. The world average of participants was 31 percent, giving the answer “somewhat good.” The rate of those who found their government inadequate was over 50 percent.
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