While Turkey is crying over Narin Güran, some posts made on social media and some images reflected on the screens are causing reactions. Following the posts emerging from bot accounts on social media every minute and made as if they were managed by a single account, Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya made an important statement and said, “It was determined that 498 thousand 713 of the content was made by bot accounts.” It was also announced that 4 million 761 thousand 420 tweets were made about Narin Güran on the X platform under 15 different labels, and that 76 percent of the content was determined to be provocative and negative. While it is wondered how the abuse made on social media and screens through the pain of the society will be prevented, important warnings have also come from experts.
The President of the Informatics Law Association and Lawyer Kürşat Ergün stated that those who use bot accounts may face a prison sentence of 2.5 to 4.5 years, “When we look at the nature of the crime, it is understood that it took place within an organized structure,” he said.
Pointing out that the IP addresses of bot accounts are at the center of the X platform, Ergün said, “According to the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through Such Publications, those who share content intended to disrupt public order are identified in negotiations with the Information Technologies and Communication Authority. The penalties for those who create chaos with bot accounts are determined by the upper limit.” gave the information.
Digital Communication Researcher Prof. Dr. Ali Murat Kırık said, While evaluating the statements of Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya, he said, “It is understood that the information spread on social media regarding Narin may be manipulative and that attempts are being made to spread it in an organized manner.” Stating that bot accounts are usually managed automatically by a person or group, Kırık brought up the following warnings: “These accounts are used to create chaos in society, spread false information or mislead the public. At this stage, account movements are examined using artificial intelligence algorithms and big data analysis, and findings are obtained that they are bots. However, understanding who manages these accounts is a complex process.”

Prof. Dr. Hakan Türkçapar (Psychiatrist)
“Those who scream on screens or try to gain from this are people who want to put themselves forward. In such a painful event, it is unethical for someone to want to put themselves forward. What is important is to think about how we can reduce violence individually and collectively. Details of the incident, information about the body, a presentation of the crime scene, and the funeral ceremony are broadcast on public television. Children who watch this on the screen are affected and traumatized. ‘Tweet, shout’ all these things give the feeling that we are doing something, but nothing changes. The important thing is to touch someone’s life.”
(email protected)