Giant radio galaxy discovered 30 times the Milky Way


Lerato Khumalo

With the observation of the meerkat telescope in South Africa, astronomers revealed the presence of a new radio galaxy, 30 times the Milky Way Galaxy with its huge plasma jets, dating back to 3 million light years.

The astronomers called this new giant galaxy in African local languages ​​”Incathazo”, which means “problem” in “Isizulu and Isixhosa”.

Kathleen Charlton, a graduate student at the University of Cape Town from the research team, called ‘Incathazo’, which means “the new galaxy ‘problem’, because it was a bit troublesome to understand the physique behind what was going on here.” he said.

Radio galaxies are defined as cosmic structures that contain super -mass black holes in their centers and send gigantic plasma jets at radio frequencies.

The ones greater than 2 million light years of such galaxies are called “Giant Radio Galaxies” (GRG).

While the plasma jets of the Invathazo galaxy are normally expected to extend straight, astronomers said that the shape of a jet is bent.

On the other hand, astronomers, Incathhazo’s galaxy cluster should have conditions that prevent the formation of such giant galaxies, but Incathazo has grown unusual, this brought to mind new questions, he said.

In addition, in the investigations with Meerkat Telescope, it is seen that some electrons obtain mysterious energy by mapping Incliphazo’s plasma ages, while the jets that interact with the hot gases around Invathazo may have provided.

The results of the study were published in the Monthly Notices magazine of the royal astronomical association.