30 percent hike to public transport! Valid from today


Lerato Khumalo

In the statement made by BURULAŞ, the following statements were included;
“In the last six months, many basic expenses that directly affect transportation costs have been experienced significant cost increases. In contrast to the deliberate and misleading discourses made by ignoring the cost increases in our country, as Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, we continue to think about the living standards and budget of our citizens and we continue our work in this direction. The year 2024 has been despite the fact that it is 44.40 percent compared to ENAG. In order to ensure that our students and our fellow countrymen in the scope of social support are not affected by the economic conditions, we take care to keep public transport fees in Bursa at the most appropriate levels compared to the country. “
New ticket prices, which will be valid as of February 1, 2025, have been announced as follows: Full ticket: 26 TL, 75 percent of the full ticket price in order to contribute to students and education, the student ticket price was determined as 6.5 TL. Bursa comes to the forefront as the second most cheapest city in students’ ticket prices.

Pay as much as you went to the application of 1-5 stations 5 TL return fee, 6.50 TL was increased. The full card transfer discount fee was increased from 8,60 TL to 11.20 TL. Citizens over the age of 65 will continue to use public transportation free of charge.