The recent increase in food poisoning in touristic resorts, especially in Istanbul, has become a matter of concern and curiosity. Experts speaking to ‘’ stated that there has been a serious increase in “gastroenteritis” cases, and said that the emerging picture is due to both hygiene problems and improper storage of food. While warnings were made that there are life-threatening risks, especially for pregnant women, children and chronic patients, due to dehydration, a call was made for the food sector to be inspected. On the other hand, finance expert İris Cebe shared on her social media account the other day, “We decided to have breakfast at a cafe today. They brought you oil instead of butter, regardless of the price. They also defended themselves by saying that we put this in our food. While the price increased, they also started to poison us.”
Infectious Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Iftihar Köksal, who provided information about the increase in poisoning cases, said: “There is an incredible increase in the number of patients coming with food poisoning complaints” “As the weather gets warmer, we are faced with cases of diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration that last longer than 3 days due to improper storage conditions, poor quality food and lack of attention to hygiene,” he said.
Prof. Dr. Köksal, who drew particular attention to hamburgers, doner kebabs, kebabs and chicken products eaten outside the home, said: “In the product groups I mentioned, cases related to hot weather and the breaking of the cold chain and the growth of microorganisms are knocking on our door. Currently, complaints of norovirus originating from drinking water have also During the summer season, hygiene conditions in hotels, restaurants, cafes and food and beverage venues should be strictly monitored. People in the food sector should not sell products that have been kept in the heat to the public. Pregnant women, children and those with chronic diseases are forced to be hospitalized as life-threatening situations may arise.”
Infectious Diseases Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duran Tok also drew attention to the serious increase in gastroenteritis cases, especially in the last month, and said: “We have patients who come with complaints of not only diarrhea but also nausea and vomiting. Travel stories during the holiday increased the cases. Infrastructure and construction work in cities during the summer period can cause damage to drinking water lines. We also have patients who have complaints related to drinking water. Those who eat outside should be careful with meat products and salads during the summer. When circulation decreases, the life of food materials increases and this can cause poisoning.”

While Gastroenterology Specialist Prof. Dr. Vedat Göral also said that the increase in gastroenteritis cases is due to hygiene and improper storage of food, Internal Medicine Specialist Prof. Dr. Bülent Saka drew attention to the hygiene problem: Prof. Dr. Saka said, “The disruption of storage conditions known as the cold chain during the summer period poses a serious risk.”
Dr. Türkü Yağmur Nehir (President of the Federation of Family Physicians Associations)
“With the increasing temperatures in the summer months, there is also a significant increase in gastroenteritis cases. During this period The increase in cases both threatens public health and increases the burden on health services. “Especially in places where people eat, restaurants, not cleaning food sufficiently, not cooking it or not keeping it at the right temperature can cause food poisoning. Also, during picnics and outdoor activities, food should not be kept in the open for long periods of time.”
(email protected)