Nationwide, Donald Trump is narrowly ahead of Joe Biden. A large proportion of his supporters believe Trump is “favored by God.”
According to a poll, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump last weekend has not led to a major change in voters’ mood with regard to the presidential election in November. Trump has 43 percent of registered voters and Biden 41 percent, according to a telephone poll conducted by Reuters/Ipsos on Monday and Tuesday among 1,202 adult US citizens. Trump’s lead is therefore within the poll’s margin of error of three percentage points.
However, 80 percent of respondents — including similar proportions of Democrats and Republicans — agreed that “the country is spinning out of control.” Eighty-four percent said they were concerned that extremists would commit acts of violence after the election. Only five percent said it was acceptable for someone from their political party to use violence to achieve a political goal.
65 percent of registered Republicans also agreed with the statement that Trump was “favored by divine providence or the will of God.” Among Democrats, this figure was 11 percent. Trump was shot at the weekend during a campaign rally. However, the former president only suffered minor injuries to his ear.