Domestic tourists spent 204.9 billion liras on travel in the third quarter of last year.


Lerato Khumalo

The amount of domestic tourists’ travel expenditures in the third quarter of last year reached 204 billion 883 million 376 thousand liras, an increase of 79.7 percent compared to the same period of 2023.

Turkish Statistical Institute announced “household domestic tourism” data for the period July-September 2024.

Accordingly, 20 million 453 thousand people traveled domestically in the third quarter of last year. The total number of trips made within the country, with one or more overnight stays, increased by 8 percent compared to the same quarter of the previous year, reaching 25 million 684 thousand.

Those who traveled in this quarter made 224 million 68 thousand overnight stays. The average number of overnight stays was 8.7, and the average expenditure per trip was 7 thousand 977 lira.

The amount of domestic tourists’ travel expenditures in the country increased by 79.7 percent in the third quarter of last year compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 204 billion 883 million 376 thousand liras.

83.8 percent of this was made up of personal expenses with 171 billion 783 million 134 thousand liras, and 16.2 percent was made up of package tour expenses with 33 billion 100 million 241 thousand liras.

In the said period, the largest share in total travel expenditures was food and beverage with 30.1 percent, accommodation with 20.7 percent and transportation with 20.6 percent. When the change rates of expenditure types compared to the same period in 2023 are examined, there was an increase of 70.6 percent in food and beverage expenditures, 71.4 percent in accommodation and 57.9 percent in transportation.


In the July-September 2024 period, trips made for the purpose of “visiting relatives” ranked first with 47.9 percent. This was followed by “travel, entertainment, holiday” travel with 47.3 percent, and “health” travel with 2.2 percent.

Those who traveled in the quarter in question mostly stayed at a “friend’s or relative’s house” with 135 million 889 thousand overnight stays. According to accommodation types, “own house” ranked second in the number of overnight stays with 46 million 340 thousand overnight stays, while “hotel” ranked third with 24 million 19 thousand.