Congress against the Pentagon! The F-35 lie is no longer valid


Lerato Khumalo

After the F-35, US defense company Lockheed Martin has rolled up its sleeves for the 7th generation fighter jet. Designed as a hypersonic and visible fighter aircraft, the features to be released on the market were evaluated by the US Congress as “too complex and very difficult for pilots to adapt”. The Pentagon is quickly stepping up and pushing for relief from Congress. The situation of the SR-72, which was planned to be sold as a NATO member after mass production, brought to mind the F-35 fighter jet.


The technical flaws of the F-35, marketed as “the world’s most advanced fighter jet”, were revealed within weeks by the independent fault facility POGO. According to the composition of the control structure, the Pentagon submitted reports to Congress full of incomplete information and doctored results for the mass production of F-35s. The concern that this acceleration for SR-72 is “on the way to a new fiasco” has been raised. Both manufacturers are the same company.

With the revelation that the F-35 has numerous technical and manufacturing defects, Congress is cautious about the new super-aircraft. Members of Congress felt that the SR-72 was excessively costly, had more manufacturing and technical errors than the F-35, and was too difficult to pilot.


According to the information obtained from the Congressional sources of the US-based global defense publication Army Recognition, the visible aircraft is stated to be capable of reaching the mesosphere layer of the atmosphere and having a speed of 6 Mach (7408 km per hour); It will be produced to fight against China, Iran and Russia. The strategic mission of the SR-72, which will have a strategic bombardment feature, will be observation and rotation. It is also among the information received that a record budget will be requested from Congress for the aircraft, which will enter the testing phase in 2026. The project is being developed under the umbrella of DARPA, which produces secret military technologies of the USA. The company also claims that the SR-72 will have the most advanced computer and complex dual cooling system used to date.


According to information obtained from sources, the Pentagon prepared a preliminary report about the aircraft, which it described as “a new phase in aviation and missile warfare” and presented it to Congress. The Ministry dropped the statement that “current and recent construction work cannot be stopped by any defense system” for the aircraft. It is also stated that he claims that the new aircraft “cannot be captured by any warplane in exchange for operational altitude”. The report includes information that infrastructure sections or nuclear sections, factories, military bases, command centers, missile launchers and infrastructure sections can be equipped to be destroyed.

Congress against the Pentagon! F-35 does not prove the lie anymore - Picture: 2
Members of the US Congress did not approve the Pentagon preliminary report prepared for the new super plane SR-72. On the other hand, SR-72 will also provide live observation and reconnaissance images from the point where no aircraft can rise.


Congress, on the other hand, is approaching the new project cautiously after the deficiencies revealed regarding the F-35. Members of Congress think that the aircraft will be extremely costly, from its design to its engine, from its weapon systems to its computer. Members of Congress also want information from the Pentagon about which air systems Russia and China, which have invested heavily in hypersonic aircraft, will use against the SR-72. Information coming from behind the scenes is that Pentagon officials will present the new report in February and President Donald Trump will approve the plane.

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