Central Bank reserves broke record


Lerato Khumalo

The total reserves of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) increased to 167 billion 560 million dollars with an increase of 4 billion 257 million dollars compared to the previous week in the week of January 24, reaching the highest level of all time.

The CBRT announced weekly money and bank statistics.

Accordingly, as of January 24, the Central Bank gross foreign exchange reserves increased by 2 billion 537 million dollars to 99 billion 328 million dollars. Gross foreign exchange reserves were on January 17, $ 96 billion 791 million.

During this period, the gold reserves increased by 1 billion 721 million dollars from 66 billion 511 million dollars to 68 billion 232 million dollars.

Thus, the total reserves of the Central Bank increased from 4 billion 257 million dollars to 163 billion 303 million dollars to 167 billion 560 million dollars in the week of January 24.