Automation investments in agriculture will be accelerated


Lerato Khumalo

According to the statement made by the Ministry, the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) continues its irrigation automation studies, which prevent waste by reducing water consumption in the fields, ensure the healthy growth of plants and increase agricultural production efficiency.

Within the scope of artificial intelligence-supported automation studies, important data such as humidity level in agricultural lands, weather conditions and the condition of plants are collected using soil moisture sensors, weather stations and plant measurement devices. The data obtained is processed on cloud-based platforms and offers real-time irrigation to farmers. Thus, farmers can provide more precise information about the irrigation needs of plants and use water resources efficiently without wasting them.

Within the scope of automation works in irrigation, DSI completed and put into operation the automation systems in an area of ​​3 thousand 333 hectares in the 4th section of Adana İmamoğlu irrigation, 410 hectares in Afyonkarahisar-Çay-Selevir irrigation, 250 hectares in Afyonkarahisar Çobanlar-Seyitler irrigation and 212 hectares in Denizli Hasanbeyler Pond irrigation. In addition, 58 thousand 832 meters began to be used to support irrigation automation.

DSI, which started working on preparing automation specifications this year, will determine the projects to be automated according to the specifications that will come into force.


With the automation system, which provides approximately 40 percent savings in irrigation, it is ensured that irrigation is carried out at the desired time and duration, and that the water penetrates into the soil without evaporating when the sun’s rays reduce its effect. Irrigation operations are carried out automatically and systematically with professional materials, without the need for personnel assistance.

Water costs are reduced by optimizing water use through automation.

Thanks to the system, unnecessary energy use is prevented and the equipment in the irrigation system is protected. Labor costs are reduced and time loss resulting from manual irrigation operations is eliminated.

Possible problems in the irrigation system are reported via SMS to the defined phone numbers, so precautions are taken in a short time.


Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı, whose views were included in the statement, stated that DSI’s work is of great importance at a time when global climate change is on the agenda.

Yumaklı said, “Where there is water, there is life. Where there is water, there is abundance. Where there is water, there is civilization. For this reason, the increasing continuation of DSI investments is essential for the fight against global climate change, which is coming to our door. It is very important to use water efficiently and economically.” made his assessment.

Pointing out that DSI has made major water investments, Yumaklı reminded that major projects have been implemented by the institution to ensure efficient and effective agricultural irrigation.

Yumaklı pointed out that automation in irrigation provides savings in water use and an increase in efficiency, and said:

“Our DSI General Directorate has been working on automation in irrigation for many years. Since 2023, our efforts have been continuing to carry out automation work in every regional directorate with suitable irrigation infrastructure. Considering that automation application can be done in a small irrigation facility or a part of the irrigation facility, the regional “We are working on identifying the indoor irrigation facilities that are within the responsibility area of ​​our directorates and that can be used for automation.”