Experts, ‘2024 YR4’ called asteroid, December 2032 will approach the world very close. According to the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA, this celestial stone can close to Earth about 106 thousand kilometers. But considering the uncertainties in orbit, there is a possibility of directly hit the Earth. According to the current data, the possible collision point covers an area from South America to the Atlantic Ocean and South Africa. However, scientists say that certain information will only emerge with progressive observations.
The size and structure of the asteroid are the most important factors that determine the size of the effect. According to estimates, this measurement may vary depending on the brightness of the surface, which is about 60 meters wide ‘2024 YR4’.
Gunning scientists, in the coming years’ 2024 YR4’u closely monitoring more accurate calculations plans to make. In 2028, the celestial stone will pass closer to the Earth and thus more precise data can be reached about its size, structure and orbit. As a result of these studies, ‘2024 YR4’, 2032 will really pose a danger will gain clarity.