A total of 517 thousand 528 houses were sold to women in 2024 in Turkey, while this number constituted 35.01 percent of the total number of houses sold.
AA correspondent by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) data, according to the compilation, 1 million 478 thousand 25 houses were sold throughout the country.
The number of houses sold to women considering the gender of the housing buyers, the number of houses sold to women, increased by 28.75 percent in 2024 compared to the previous year was 517 thousand 528. This number constituted 35.01 percent of the total housing sold.
Most housing sales for women in Istanbul
The province where women bought the most housing was Istanbul with 78 thousand 206, followed by Ankara with 49 thousand 654. 31 thousand 664 women in Izmir, 22 thousand 290 in Antalya and 19 thousand 553 houses were sold in Bursa.
Looking at the provinces where women purchased at least home, Ardahan took the first place with 177. This province was followed by Hakkari with 244, Bayburt with 300, Tunceli with 435 and Gümüşhane with 499.
2020-2024 period
Looking at the last 5 -year statistics, women’s purchasing housing was followed by a wavy course. The ratio of women purchased by women in total housing sales was 32.21 percent (483 thousand 7) in 2020 and 33.95 percent in 2021 (506 thousand 495). The rate was 32.62 percent (484 thousand 654) in 2022 and 32.79 percent in 2023 (401 thousand 933). This rate was recorded as 35.01 percent (517 thousand 528) as of last year.