282.5 billion liras will enter the state’s coffers from fees


Lerato Khumalo

An income of 282 billion 538 million 376 thousand liras is expected from fees next year.

According to the information compiled by the AA correspondent from the 2025 Central Government Budget Law Proposal submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly, the biggest contribution to the 282 billion 538 million 376 thousand lira fee revenues expected to be collected in the new year will come from title deed fees with 122 billion 488 million 929 thousand liras.

Those who buy and sell real estate will pay 43.4 percent of the fee expected to be collected next year.

It is estimated that the state will collect 50 billion 926 million 337 thousand liras of judicial fees in 2025. In this context, 5 billion 881 million 343 thousand lira of trade registry fee income, 848 million 186 thousand lira of trades registry fee income, and 44 billion 196 million 808 thousand lira of other judicial fee income are expected.

It is estimated that an income of 12 billion 379 million 25 thousand liras will be obtained from notary fees and 18 billion 398 million 163 thousand liras from passport and consular fees.

It is estimated that 13 billion 72 million 169 thousand liras will be provided to the budget from traffic fees.

During this period, it is planned to collect 1 billion 90 million 632 thousand liras of ship and port fees, and 2 billion 86 million 915 thousand liras of concession, license and diploma fees.

Next year, an income of 62 billion 96 million 206 thousand liras is expected to be provided under the title of “other fees”. Other fees include items such as international departure fee, which is estimated to be 8 billion 666 million 455 thousand lira, private security fees, which is estimated to be 728 million 952 thousand lira, and Turkish international ship registry registration fee and tonnage fee, which is estimated to be 243 million 370 thousand lira.