135 billion lira was allocated from the budget for agricultural supports


Lerato Khumalo

An appropriation of 135 billion lira for agricultural supports and 166 billion lira for agricultural sector investments was included in the 2025 budget proposal submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM).

According to the compilation made by the AA correspondent from the 2025 Central Government Budget Law Proposal, there was an increase of 320 billion liras in the resources allocated to agriculture compared to the 2024 budget.

According to the budget proposal, approximately 706 billion liras of resources were planned to be allocated to agriculture for 2025.

The amount allocated from the budget for agricultural support programs also increased from 91.6 billion lira to 135 billion lira. An allowance of 100.6 billion lira was included in this year’s budget for agricultural sector investments. Investment appropriations for next year are predicted to be 166 billion lira.

The budget proposal included an appropriation of 160 billion lira for agricultural credit subsidy support, 200 billion lira for agricultural sector tax expenditures, and 46 billion lira for the financing of agricultural SOEs, intervention purchases and export supports.

Meanwhile, the budget allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for 2025 was determined as 438.1 billion lira. The appropriation allocated for 2025 to the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, which is the largest investor organization in the field of agriculture, increased by 74 billion lira compared to this year’s budget and reached 197.6 billion lira. 187.9 billion liras of the said allowance will be used for the Soil and Water Resources Use and Management Program.


Mehmet Ali Ünal, Chairman of the Turkish Agricultural Engineers Association, said in his evaluation that there were improvements in the investment and support items of the budget allocated to agriculture.

Ünal stated that a serious budget was allocated for irrigation in agriculture and that this was an important development.

Pointing out that the southern and central regions are facing drought threats due to climate change, Ünal continued his words as follows:

“Irrigation investments include areas such as water reserves such as dams and ponds, conversion of open channels to closed ones, and irrigation systems. Our irrigation efficiency is around 50-55 percent and it is desired to increase it to 75 percent. This also means increasing the irrigation areas. Closed irrigation As soon as you return to the system, you will increase the irrigation capacity from 8.5 million hectares to perhaps 10-12 million hectares. Additionally, there is an irrigation investment of 750 thousand hectares. This is one of the most important issues, the development here. gratifying.”


Ünal pointed out that the weak areas in the sector should be strengthened through agricultural investments and said, “The agricultural investments envisaged in the budget should be used to make the farmer’s product more valuable. Rural development investments such as packaging, storing and sending the product for export should be made.” he said.

Pointing out that the agricultural sector is a strategic area as much as the security of the country, Ünal said, “When there is turmoil in the world and the region, you have to feed your citizens. Therefore, agriculture is a strategic sector.” he said.