While the number of hypertension patients in Turkey increases day by day, the emerging situation creates concern. While 31.2 percent of the adult population suffers from hypertension, the rate is estimated to be around 36 percent for women and 30 percent for men. While 2 out of every 3 people aged 70 and over are hypertensive, it is estimated that only 50 percent of the patients are aware of their disease. The latest research reveals that in people whose blood pressure is reduced below 120 mmHg, the risk of death decreases by 27 percent, the risk of cardiovascular disease decreases by 43 percent, and the risk of heart failure decreases by 38 percent.
Drawing attention to the importance of the relationship between diseases and lifestyle, Timur Erk, President of the Turkish Kidney Foundation, stated that the prevalence of hypertension in men is 27.5 percent and in women it is 36.1 percent, and said: “Unfortunately, one in every three adults in Turkey has hypertension. Recent studies in the USA have drawn attention to the fact that patients’ blood pressure control skills are decreasing day by day and that deaths due to hypertension-related cardiovascular diseases are increasing. “Blood pressure control skill rates are around 23 percent in women and 18 percent in men.”
“Hypertension, which is associated with many conditions, especially obesity, kidney diseases and diabetes, can be controlled with lifestyle measures. It is in our hands to prevent many diseases with individual nutrition and lifestyle changes. People with systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg and above and diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg and above have high blood pressure.
Internal Medicine and Nephrology Specialist Prof. Dr. Aydın Türkmen also pointed out that patients whose blood pressure is constantly 140/90 mmHg or higher should see a doctor without delay, and said, “For overweight or obese people, weight reduction, low sodium diet, smoking cessation, alcohol and caffeine limitations and regular physical activity are high.” antidotes for blood pressure. Hypertension can be seen not only in adults but also in children of all ages. Hypertension symptoms in children appear with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, nosebleeds, weakness, and blurred vision. he spoke.

Prof. Dr. Türkmen, who also touched upon the risks created by obesity, said: “With obesity threatening all countries in recent years, and Turkey being among the most obese countries in particular, there has been an increase in hypertension cases in children. Among students in the second grade of primary school, the rate of overweight children is 14.2 percent and the rate of obese children is 8.3 percent. “We must consider healthy nutrition and physical activity as a social necessity.”