Reserve Description from Cevdet Yılmaz


Lerato Khumalo

Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz, strengthened reserves, inflationist pressures against the task of buffer, while the economy against global risks reduce the external fragility, he said.

Yilmaz, “the effectiveness of our policies, foreign capital inflow gradually encouraged and our gross reserves have reached the highest level of history with 167.6 billion dollars. The increase in the policies we implement continues to be positively reflected in our reserves.” He used his words.

Cevdet Yılmaz’s statement about the reserve record of the CBRT is as follows;

“With the improvement of risk perception of Turkey, the source entry increases, while the cost of interest decreases.

By rapidly providing the coordination between money, finance and income policy, we achieved a strong healing acceleration in macroeconomic and financial indicators. The economic program we implemented has reduced the current account deficit by re -establishing macroeconomic stability, alleviated inflationary pressures and increased confidence in Turkish Lira.

Our strengthened reserves undertake a task against inflationist pressures and reduce the external fragility of our economy against global risks. While struggling with inflation in a decisive way, our program, which aims to increase permanent welfare with balanced and inclusive growth, will be continued with holistic policies. “