Pasture alert! It deals a blow to animal husbandry


Lerato Khumalo

While meat prices continue to hurt your pockets, the availability of cattle and sheep is decreasing day by day. According to TÜİK data, in the last year, Turkey’s total cattle and sheep assets decreased from 73 million 472 thousand to 69 million 106 thousand. While the number of animals that meet Turkey’s red meat needs has decreased by 4 million 365 thousand in a year, there is a risk of serious decline and loss in livestock production in the near future. Another important problem regarding the risk of decline in livestock and livestock farming is the inefficiency of pastures and pastures in Turkey. While the latest scientific research reveals that traditional animal husbandry, which is the source of income for millions of people in the Eurasian region, where Turkey is located, is under threat, it is emphasized that a disaster will occur in the 2050 projection, where global warming is 3.6 degrees and above.

It is stated that unless a switch to the village production model is made, the animal population will continue to decrease.


According to statistics, there are a total of 14.6 million meadow and pasture areas in Turkey, 1.45 million of which are meadows and 13.1 million are pastures. On a regional basis, the Eastern Anatolia Region has the highest rate of meadows and pastures with 37.54 percent. Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Eurasia Earth Sciences Institute Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Ömer Lütfi Şen states that the threat of drought threatens the Eurasian grasslands, which feed more than 420 million animals and provide livelihood to millions of people engaged in animal husbandry. Prof. adds that there is inefficiency and degradation in 64 percent of Türkiye’s pastures. Dr. Şen said, “Pastures, which make up 40 percent of the land area, are an important ecosystem that provides biodiversity and stores carbon, as well as providing animal feed.” says.


He added that due to economic and socio-political changes, a serious decrease in the number of animals was observed in many countries from Turkey to Mongolia in the 1990s. Dr. Şen provides the following information: “When it comes to drought for pasture productivity, all scenarios point to a future in which the risk will increase throughout Eurasia. According to the findings of the study, this will not only be an increase in size, but also an area increase of around 60 percent. Management of pasture areas is important. In addition, Turkey needs to increase its feed supply and reserves. “It is also important to focus on risk management by strengthening the early warning, action and preparation system, as well as the insurance and assistance system.”

Pasture alert!  It deals a blow to animal husbandry - Picture: 2
It is important to implement new programs for the protection of grasses.


President of the Turkish Federation of Butchers, Breeders, Meat and Meat Products Tradesmen and Craftsmen, Osman Yardimci, pointed out the importance of family breeding for increasing productivity in animal husbandry and said: “Without returning to the model we call village production, the number of animals will not increase and the price increase in meat products cannot be prevented. Just like in the past, if each villager had 7, 8 cattle and 30, 40 small cattle in his barn, the problem would be overcome. This requires state support.”