Istanbul Food and Needs Association (Istanbul PERDER), Meat and Milk Institution after the protocol made by the member markets will keep the meat prices constant during the month of Ramadan.
With the protocol, it is aimed to prevent exorbitant hikes and speculation in meat prices in Ramadan. Accordingly, the number of over 500 thousand in Istanbul in the local market of the ground beef 379 pounds, cubed meat will be sold from 399 pounds.
Istanbul PERDER Chairman Faruk Güzeldere, meat and milk institution with the protocol made with the protocol of Ramadan in the period of meat prices and exorbitant hikes said they want to prevent. Güzeldere, ” meat prices during the month of Ramadan price fixing application began. We want to ensure that the citizen consume meat at an affordable price by keeping prices constant in our member markets in Istanbul, ” he said.
” We are in front of opportunists ”
Guzeldere attracts attention to opportunists, ” We want to offer our citizens with the most accessible prices. We are in front of opportunists and speculation. We are performing this application in order not to give space to opportunists and to show that we are with the consumer. Beef cubed meat 399 pounds, ground beef 379 pounds, beef saoti 459 pounds, beef ribean 699 pounds will be delivered to the consumer. In Istanbul, 30 local retailers’ market will be valid in the market of over 500 thousand, ” he said.