Is the era of keyboard and paper and pen coming to an end?


Lerato Khumalo

In the past, when writing was mentioned, pen, ink, vertical, adjacent and italic writings came to mind. Nowadays, they have been replaced by computers and keyboards. Following this transformation, new generation children do not want to use a pen, they want to write with a keyboard. In particular, parents state that they have difficulty getting their children to do homework. Writing in writing is very important in the development of children, it improves both their motor skills and creativity. Doğuş University Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. stated that the most important point in the history of communication is writing. Dr. İlknur Doğu Öztürk said, “Writing, which has a physical contribution related to motor skills, is very important with its contributions such as creativity, thinking and expression. However, while digital technologies transform habits and position screens in the leading role in our lives, writing by hand is not preferred as much as it used to be. This means that using a pen is not preferred by children.” “It is now more attractive to type by touching the tablet or phone,” he said.


Öztürk pointed out that the weakening of the habit of writing with a pen may cause the bond between writing and thought to weaken. “Handwriting is an important basic skill for children’s self-expression and creativity. Weakening of this skill can lead to standardization of written communication. “It is also a fact that it will have a negative impact in terms of compliance with language and spelling rules,” he said.

Öztürk explained that in the following years, writing may be important only for official paperwork, literature and art-related activities.


Educational Sociologist Prof. Dr. Tunay Kamer stated that the fact that children prefer not to use pencils is directly related to their familiarity with digital tools and the convenience of these tools, and said:

“In traditional education systems, writing with a pen is a means of transferring information. It also improves motor skills such as hand-eye coordination, memory as it supports conceptual learning, and creativity such as drawing pictures or writing stories. Considering the importance of such skills, it is unlikely that writing with a pen will be completely abandoned in the near future.” It doesn’t seem likely.”


However, the proliferation of digital learning platforms and their replacement by tools such as tablets and smart pens may limit the use of the traditional pen. In the digital world, tools such as voice commands and artificial intelligence-supported note-taking applications are increasingly adopted instead of typing. This can make the habit of writing less necessary. However, the writing experience can be sustained digitally through digital devices that mimic the feel of pen and paper.”

Is the era of keyboard and paper and pen coming to an end? - Picture: 2
Camera: Individuals experiencing digital fatigue due to increased screen use can return to pen and paper.


Explaining that handwriting will help children develop a unique identity, Kamer said, “The fact that each individual’s handwriting is different encourages personal expression and individuality. Moreover, a typed letter or note can offer a more intimate bonding experience than digital alternatives. Therefore From a cultural and artistic perspective, It is unlikely that the pen will be completely forgotten. On the other hand, correcting mistakes or restating an idea while writing increases a child’s cognitive flexibility. Writing with a pen allows children to develop skills in organizing and organizing writing. “These returns can ensure the survival of the pen,” he said.

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